Lowongan akan segera ditutup, segera melamar sebelum tanggal 31 Januari 2025
Bidang pekerjaan
TI, Systems Analyst
Jenis pekerjaan
Full time
Tipe pekerjaan
Lowongan dalam negeri
Jenis kelamin
Laki-laki / Perempuan
Rentang gaji
Rp5,07jt - Rp7,50jt
Jumlah lowongan
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Conduct audit reconciliation and follow up to the related division
Analyze a risk that occurs or may occurs in the company
Able to analyze each risk based on its category and perform risk assessment
Perform annual audit in accordance with the annual audit plan
Conduct audit findings follow up to the auditee
To ensure that reconciliations of petty cash are completed on a weekly basis
To ensure that reconciliations of ATM Cash are completed on a timely manner
To ensure all filling is done in a timely and accurate manner on a monthly basis
Reports to the division head on all control and compliance issues as they arise for prompt actions to be effected
Reviews the policy and procedure of the company
Serves as liaison for all external audit and regulatory agencies
Any other duties assigned
Persyaratan Khusus
Minimum of a bachelor's degree is a must
Maximum age is 29 years old
Good communication and interpersonal skills
Have experience related to anti-fraud and risk assessment
Knowledge of auditing standards and procedures and regulations
Working experience in internal audit
Good english reading, speaking, and writing skills will be favorable
Highly ethical and possess ability to handle confidential information
Have a polite, helpful manner
Strong microsoft and excell skill
Good organisation and administrative skills
Excellent attention to detail
Strong analytical and problem solving skills
Available to travel
Self-Motivated and resulted oriented
Persyaratan Umum
Minimal pendidikan
Status pernikahan
Tidak ada preferensi
Minimal pengalaman
1 tahun
Kondisi fisik
Disabilitas & Non Disabilitas
Kemampuan berkomunikasi
Keterampilan kerja sama tim
Perhatian terhadap detail
Microsoft Excel
Kemampuan analisis
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Audit keuangan
PT Abadi Tambah Mulia Internasional
Gapura Prima Office Tower Lt. 16 Unit 1-2, Jl. Letjen Soepeno No.34 (Arteri Permata Hijau), Kelurahan grogol utara, Kecamatan Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan